Welcome to the blog for Jay Crihfield Photography www.JACphoto.net Please check back often for the most recent updates on our photography work, and possibly anything else that happens to be going on!
If you follow the blog, you'll remember Lisa & Rick from their engagement session back in March (and for all of you who don't remember, this is a small hint to take a look at the archive for all the posts you've missed!). Now we fast forward four months to their big day!
I don't know if Rick was nervous, or just bored trying to kill time, but what else is there to do besides a quick game of soccer before getting dressed.....
.....but then again after the guys got dressed, there was time for a quick game of H-O-R-S-E as well!
Lisa's Mom was really emotional before, during, and even after the ceremony, but who can blame her?.....
...Luckily she came prepared!
I didn't realize Lisa & Rick were such high-rollers....even "The Donald" made an appearance.
We made it....job well done!
The Hotel where they had their reception was in the middle of a few rennovations.....
....But Lisa & Rick were really good sports about everything. It's hard to let anything bother you on your wedding day
Even though I was just at Brookfield Zoo last week http://www.blogger.com/www.brookfieldzoo.org, I never pass up a chance to go back. So when I found out that my nephew AJ aka 'Bugga, wanted to check the place out, we packed up the car with Jack, and headed out to meet everyone for a beautiful summer day with the animals.
'Bugga seemed to be more interested in helping power along Baby Jack than looking at the animals.....
....Even with a Snow Leopard two feet from his face, he seemed to be more interested in hanging out with his cousin Patrick....
....But then Dad stepped in and said "hey, there's actually stuff to see here...."
This one's for Ginger & Ryan who didn't get to see Hudson, the baby Polar Bear on their wedding day (see previous post)
'Bugga was very excited to show Patrick that he figured out how to use a real drinking straw at lunch....
Baby Jack didn't seem to be very impressed with 'Bugga's newly acquired skills....
But nontheless, a good time was had by everyone, and Baby Jack gave the day his approval with a wry grin before going back to sleep for the ride home.
This was one of the coolest groom's cakes I've ever seen. The cicada invasion grossed out a lot of people this year, but Ryan thinks they are really cool.....I think he was actually a bit sad to have to cut into it!
It was a hot one on 7/7/7, but still a beautiful day to get married at Brookfield Zoo.
As if getting married on 7/7/7 isn't lucky enough, it's supposed to be even more good luck if a butterfly lands on you (or at least on your bridal bocquet)
It was also a bit windy.....
....which caused the fountain to spray a fine mist right over the couple as they said their vows. Along with the bright sunshine, it created a really cool backlighting effect.
Ginger and Ryan didn't get to see the polar bears (it was a bit too warm I guess), but the zoo staff made sure they showed up at the reception by projecting huge images of the bears onto the wall of the dining room. Makes you wonder who is watching who?
Recently I was accepted as a member into the Wedding Photojournalists Association (WPJA) http://www.wpja.com/. The WPJA only allows photographers who strive to produce a documentary and story-telling approach to covering weddings, rather than the more traditional posed style of wedding photography.
I entered the above image from Maritza and Julio's wedding earlier this year (see the April posts in the archive) into the most recent WPJA contest, and was fortunate enough to be awarded 14th place in the "receptions" category. I know it doesn't sound like much, but some of the most well known wedding photographers in the world are members of WPJA, and it's pretty cool to see your work displayed next to theirs. Now I have to figure out a way to place higher than 14th in the next contest!
Sorry girls, those gifts and cards are not for you......
This little guy was kickin' it with some old school break dancing moves....
....but then the groom tried to jump in...probably not the smartest thing to try a head spin and end up with a trip to the emergency room on your wedding day!
No rice, no bubbles, no doves...instead Becky & Josh were sent off amongst the glow of sparklers....it's not the 4th of July, but pretty close!