Welcome to the blog for Jay Crihfield Photography www.JACphoto.net Please check back often for the most recent updates on our photography work, and possibly anything else that happens to be going on!
John Burdick & Jeff Lee of Burdick & Lee Photography asked me to come over and help with photographing Jeff and their "mascot" Wheezie the Boa Constrictor.
Snakes don't necessarily freak me out, but then again, I can't say I'd be too comfortable with something like this.......
....or this....
...But then again not everyone's into dogs or cats either!
Baby Jack got tired of watching presidential primaries, and decided he wanted to run for office himself. So he's running to be elected "Chicago's Most Huggable Baby" at the LiteFM You can vote once per day, per email address, so in the spirit of Chicago politics, please vote early and vote often! Click HERE to cast your vote, just look for the picture of Jack that looks just like the one below!
This past weekend I had the opportunity to work with Andrew from John Andrews Photography as his 2nd shooter.....
I've done several weddings at Old St. Pat's Church in Chicago, but I never noticed that you could catch part of the alter ceremony partly reflected in the baptismal font at the back of the church
The Ginko Room at the Morton Arborteum, was a really cool place for a reception.
Thanks again to Andrew for the opportunity to help you out, and congratulations to Meg & Ben!