In the interest of full disclosure, this idea originated from
Jessica Claire's blog and not facebook!. So in order to let you know a bit more about me other than the the fact that I'm some random guy who takes pictures of pretty brides and cute kids, here are 25 things that I love as well as 25 things that I can't stand......
I love....
1. My wife Amy and Son Jack
2. Still, clear, quiet, cold nights outside
3. People who are always trying to be part of the solution to problems
4. Riding my bike on a crisp fall morning in the country
5. Downtown Chicago at night
6. A perfectly struck golf tee shot (doesn't happen very often)
7. Spicy wings and cheddar chips from
Buffalo Joes in Evanston8. Driving through the Napa Valley tasting wine
9. The way our dog, Otis, cocks his head to the side when he looks at you
10. Lionel trains
11. Curious George
12. Listening to novels as audiobooks and trying to visualize the stories as movies
13. Watching the snow fall while listening to Jim Brickman albums
14. Road trips
15. When my Son points to a picture of Big Bird or Elmo holding a camera and says "Da-Da"
17. My clients
18. "The Office"
19. Just about anything on the Discovery Channel
20. Coffee
21. Most foods that will clog your arteries and raise your cholesterol
22. Cherry, grape, orange Tootsie Pops
23. Old school "90210" not that new stuff....I can't believe I actually used the phrase "old school" in conjunction with 90210!
24. Being able to figure things out on my own.
25. Receiving comments on my blog *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*
I'm not so fond of....
1. Impatient people
2. Wind chill
3. Humidity
4. Coffee drinks that you need a translator to order properly
5. Mayonaise
6. Post-it notes
7. Negative vibes
8. Shoveling snow
9. Yard work
10. Hospitals
11. Television shows/channels that are not high-definition
12. Paying any kind of Illinois state tax or fee that supports a goverment as corrupt as Illinois'
13. The electoral college
14. The stupid dancing robot character on Fox NFL games....what does a robot have to do with football?
15. Being a fan of Chicago sports teams....they all are terrible and not worth watching!
16. The way actors in movies hold coffee cups that are supposed to be full as if there's nothing in least ACT like there's hot liquid that will spill all over when you flail it around like a conductors baton!
17. When my Son points to a picture of Telly (the fat, grumpy, worry-wart muppett) and says "Da-Da"
18. Heidi and Spencer
19. Decaf. Coffee
20. Most movies and TV shows that my wife likes to watch
21. Going to the gym only to find the Food Network on the TV...I don't understand the point of working out while watching someone prepare fattening food...just seems a bit counterproductive.
22. Chocolate Tootsie Pops
23. Life moving too fast
24. Most of the TV shows that my wife watches, including but not limited to "Wife Swap", "Big Love", "Greys Anatomy", "Private Practice," and "The Hills"
25. The sound of a vacum cleaner that I'm not the one's like nails on a chalkboard to me.