Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where were you when......

Does today's inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States qualify as a "Where were you When?" moment? I'm not old enough to say where I was during a lot of the more popular WWYW moments such as Kennedy's assasination, the first moon landing, or Nixon's resignation. However I firmly believe that today was one of those day's we'll all tell our children and grandchildren about "where we were" when President Obama was sworn in.

With today's 24hr news cycle, it can be difficult to pin down what qualifies as a WWYW moment. However a few moments I was around for were:

-The Shuttle Challenger explosion: I was in 6th grade at Nichols Middle School watching the event live on television.
-The OJ white Bronco chase: Working at a Blockbuster video, upset that we couldn't watch the Bull's playoff game because the network interrupted the game to follow the Bronco.
-9/11: pouring coffee in my kitchen when the news broke to the story in NY
-The death of Princess Diana: waking up in a hotel room in Pittsburgh getting ready to cover a Steelers/Cowboys game for Sport Magazine...walking through the parking I was called a "Princess Killer" by several "liquidated" Steeler fans who had heard the paparazzi photographers were involved in the crash.

and finally

-the Obama Inauguration: Waiting in the parking lot to pick up my nephew from pre-school.

You can take a look at some more memorable moments in this book at Amazon.com

Oh yeah, and in case you missed it this morning....here it is again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good uncle you are..... :)